小于 1 分钟
欢迎参与 jzero 的开发以及维护, 这是一件非常有意义的事情, 让我们一起让 jzero 变得更好.
1. fork jzero
2. clone
git clone https://github.com/your_username/jzero
3. checkout branch
cd jzero
git checkout -b feat/patch-1
4. format the code what you changes
go install github.com/fsgo/go_fmt/cmd/gorgeous@latest
gorgeous ./...
5. push
git add .
git commit -m "feat(xx): custom message"
git push
6. pull request
debug jzero
- fork jzero 并 clone jzero 到本地后
cd jzero
go install
- new project with branch, e.g.
jzero new your_project --branch api
- run jzero gen with debug mode
jzero gen --debug --debug-sleep-time 15
- attach jzero process
推荐采用 goland, 使用 attach 到 jzero 的进程中, 即可 debug, 如下所示: